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Al Ansar Hospital

A Collaboration between Al Ansar Hospital, Desigenic, Arabtech Jardaneh, and HDP

At Desigenic, we are proud to have been a part of a collaborative effort with Arabtech Jardaneh and HDP to bring the vision of Al Ansar Hospital to life. Our team, working closely with the client, has created a design that seamlessly blends traditional Saudi Arabian architecture with modern hospital design principles.

The 400-bed hospital is a testament to the capabilities of our team, offering top-notch medical services to patients from all over the region. The design, inspired by traditional Saudi Arabian architecture, features an illuminated Mashrabieh as the main design element, creating a warm and inviting environment for all who enter.

One of the key features of the design is the reduction of glass in favor of precast concrete panels. This not only provides a traditional appearance but also reduces the hospital's energy consumption, making it more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

At Desigenic, we understand the importance of creating a functional and efficient space that supports the needs of hospital staff and patients alike. That's why we have worked tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of the design is optimized to support the smooth operation of the hospital.

We are proud to have been a part of this exciting collaboration between Al Ansar Hospital, Arabtech Jardaneh, and HDP and believe that this hospital project represents a new era of healthcare in Saudi Arabia. With its traditional design, modern technology, and compassionate staff, we are confident that it will have a positive impact on the health and well-being of patients for years to come.

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